Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hadoop - Find The Largest Top 10 Directories in HDFS

Sometimes it is necessary to know what file(s) or directories are eating up all your disk space.Below scripts will help you to use Unix and Linux command for finding the largest or biggest the files or directories on HDFS.

 echo -e "calculating the size to determine top 10 directories on HDFS......"  
 for dir in `hadoop fs -ls /|awk '{print $8}'`;do hadoop fs -du $dir/* 2>/dev/null;done|sort -nk1|tail -10 > /tmp/size.txt  
 echo "| ---------------------------     | -------    | ------------ | ---------   | ----------   ------ |" > /tmp/tmp  
 echo "| Dir_on_HDFS | Size_in_MB | User | Group | Last_modified Time |" >> /tmp/tmp  
 echo "| ---------------------------     | -------    | ------------ | ---------   | ----------   ------ |" >> /tmp/tmp  
 while read line;  
     size=`echo $line|cut -d' ' -f1`  
     size_mb=$(( $size/1048576 ))  
     path=`echo $line|cut -d' ' -f2`  #(Use -f3 if running on cloudera)  
     dirname=`echo $path|rev|cut -d'/' -f1|rev`  
     parent_dir=`echo $path|rev|cut -d'/' -f2-|rev`  
     fs_out=`hadoop fs -ls $parent_dir|grep -w $dirname`  
     user=`echo $fs_out|grep $dirname|awk '{print $3}'`  
     group=`echo $fs_out|grep $dirname|awk '{print $4}'`  
     last_mod=`echo $fs_out|grep $dirname|awk '{print $6,$7}'`  
     echo "| $path | $size_mb | $user | $group | $last_mod |" >> /tmp/tmp  
 done < /tmp/size.txt  
 cat /tmp/tmp | column -t